How It Works
The products featured on the website are merely a drop in the ocean of what we have to offer at Nautilus Yachtwear. Items shown are our current favorite yacht crew uniform and best sellers. Reach out for a quote or recommendation. Prices are determined by quantity & decoration method. All first time orders receive a 10% discount, successfully refer us to another boat & receive 10% off your next order.
New build? New ownership? Or simply a new look? get in touch & we will help you build a bespoke, cohesive look.
We really enjoy bringing your ideas to life, Our options for custom giveaways are endless.
We offer a selection of table & bath linens, we now have a high quality selection of cotton Turkish towels & robes
Sun Proof Swap
As former crew, crew safety is very important to us, we all love the classic boat tee but at Nautilus we want to promote sun safety particularly for deck crew working out in the elements. We are hoping to help you transition to UPF proof options for your exterior crew, by offering great pricing on these items

Featured Products
Foot Wear -
Cutter & Buck, Pacific Performance Pull On Womens Skort
Skorts & Shorts -
OGIO® – Jewel Polo

Products & Pricing
The products featured on the website are merely a drop in the ocean of what we have to offer at Nautilus Yachtwear. Get in touch for a quote.

Uniform Consultation
New build? New ownership? Or simply a new look? get in touch & we will help you build a bespoke, cohesive look for your crew from scratch.

Gifts & Giveaways
We really enjoy bringing your ideas to life, we have the classic boat totes & hats & newer options from flip flops to phone cases, compacts to charcuterie boards.

Interior Items
We offer a selection of table & bath linens, we now have a high quality selection of cotton Turkish towels & robes, they are durable & luxurious.